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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Want 6 Pack Abs?

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Are you dieting for six pack abs?
If you're serious about losing your abdominal gut and sporting a set of sexy, visible abs... then you should take a few minutes to read the rest of this article. I'm going to spill the beans on some BIG mistakes people make when dieting for the allusive abs and how to be sure to avoid them. The mistakes are very common, and making them can - and more than likely will - ruin your plans.

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The most important KEY to getting your six pack is... DIET. Now I do not mean diet as in some fad diet, or the latest Hollywood diet. I mean 'diet' as in what you eat and how you eat. Understand? I hope so. 90% of success when trying to develop six pack muscles comes from the foods we eat and how we eat them.
So you want to focus on the calories. Make sure to get your calories from nutrient dense foods. It's also a necessity that your diet consists of foods that are high in fiber, good sources of proteincomplex carbohydratesand a moderate amount of fats (“good Fats” - meaning unsaturated).
Truth About Abs Click Here!
The Diet Solution Program Click Here!
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