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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dangers of Drinking your favority Sodas

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Soda pop is a very popular beverage in the U.S., and people of all age groups love to relish it. It is immensely consumed by the younger generation, more specifically school-going children. With the placement of soda pop vending machines in schools and colleges, it has become easier for students to grab a can and quench their thirst. It is unfortunate to see how people have replaced the 'extremely essential' water with soda pop, without realizing its adverse effects on their health. 

Soda pop beverages are basically made up of water and other ingredients like phosphoric acid, caffeine, sodium benzoate, white processed sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, aspartame (in diet soda), etc. These additives are believed to pose several dangers on the health of consumers. 


Health Risks Associated with Soda Pop

Excessive consumption of soda pop dehydrates the body. This happens due to the presence of caffeine content in the beverage. Caffeine is a natural diuretic which leads to quick and increased production of urine. Similar to beverages like tea and coffee which tend to increase the frequency of urination, soda pop also has the same effect on the body. Urinating frequently without increasing the intake of water leads to dehydration. So, the next time you pick up a soda pop to quench your thirst, think twice, because it may actually make you even more thirsty.

Gastrointestinal Problems
Soda pop beverages are acidic in nature with a pH value of around 2. This acidic nature coupled with caffeine content (which increases gastric acid secretion in the body) are known to raise the level of stomach acids leading to gastrointestinal problems like acidity, chronic stomach ache, gastric inflammation, and damage to the stomach lining. Besides this, chemical acids added as additives in soft drinks are also harmful for the gastrointestinal system of the body.

Certain reviews suggest that there is a direct link between obesity and soda pop. This link is established due to the presence of high amount of calories in the beverage. One can of regular soda pop approximately contains the same amount of sugar that is suggested as its recommended daily allowance. Therefore, if a person consumes more than one can of soda pop everyday, he is bound to exceed the recommended consumption limit of sugar. This excessive intake of sugars in the diet ultimately lead individuals towards obesity.

Type 2 Diabetes
Owing to the presence of large amounts of sugar, soda pop beverages are capable of increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in individuals. Since obesity and diabetes are related to each other, obese people consuming soft drinks on a daily basis are susceptible to develop insulin resistance. When a can of soft drink is consumed, sugar is directly poured into the blood stream and the pancreas have to produce more insulin to metabolize the sugars. Long-term consumption reduces the insulin-producing capacity of the pancreas, thus disrupting the regulation of sugars in the body, ultimately leading to diabetes.

Bone-related Problems
Phosphoric acid content in soda pop is responsible for problems like osteoporosis, weak bones, and bone fracture. Presence of phosphorous in adequate amounts is good for the body. However, when its levels exceed the normal limit, it hinders absorption of calcium in the body and drains it out of the bones, causing reduced bone mineral density. Depletion of essential minerals from the body lead to various bone-related problems.

Kidney Problems
Some studies suggest that consumption of soda pop also leads to the development of kidney problems like reduced kidney function and kidney stones. Researchers inferred that women who drank more than 2 cans of diet soda everyday had reduced kidney function over a time span of 20 years, which was thrice the rate of reduction in women who did not consume it. Formation of kidney stones is triggered by the depletion of calcium from bones, leading to the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys.

Cardiovascular Problems
Obese and diabetic individuals who do not control the intake of soda pop are highly susceptible to develop cardiac problems like high blood pressure, arrhythmias, and other vascular problems. Studies have also revealed that people who consumed only one can of diet soda per day had 20 percent increased risk of suffering a heart attack over a time span of 22 years. This shows that heart problems are not particular to sweetened or diet soda pop, and can occur with excessive intake of any of these.

Dental Problems
Sugar and phosphoric acid present in soda pop are two main culprits for causing dental problems in individuals. It is a well-known fact that sugar results in tooth decay. High concentration of sugar in soft drinks affect the teeth when consumed, specially between meals. Apart from this, the acidic nature of phosphoric acid in soda dissolves the calcium present in tooth enamel leading to the formation of cavities, and yellowing and roughening of the enamel.

Caffeine Addiction
Caffeine, being a mild stimulant, brings about a feeling of well-being when consumed. Since it is a component of soda pop, people consume significant quantities of it when they drink 3-4 cans of the beverage everyday. Daily consumption of soda develops into an addiction due to caffeine's mild addictive nature, and people start suffering from withdrawal symptoms like headache, irritation, etc., when the daily dose is not consumed.

Occasional consumption of soda pop, and that too in moderation, does not pose any health risk. However, the extent to which people have started consuming these beverages nowadays is a big reason to worry. Youngsters fall for soda pop due to its great taste, but unknowingly drag themselves towards several health problems. Awareness of these dangers must be spread to people all over, and sessions must be held to teach people how to stop drinking soda pop. Few measures like drinking water or other substitutes, like iced tea, juice or flavored water frequently, will curb the desire to drink soda pop and take a person towards the healthy path of life.
By Priyanka Kosta Sonkushre

 plan:one – online nutrition expert. The Most Powerful Interactive Fitness Nutrition Program in the World!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

How That Glass of Red Wine Might Help You Live Longer

Researchers have found new evidence showing that  resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, may play a role in preventing cell aging.
The study in rodents found that when mice had a particular gene — SIRT1 — knocked out, or turned off, resveratrol had no effect on them. But tests of muscle tissue in mice with a normal SIRT1 gene that were given resveratrol found that the substance boosted mitochondrial function.
Mitochondria provide the energy that cells need to function. A decrease in mitochondrial energy production has been linked to a variety of diseases, including diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, as well as to the aging process itself, said senior study author David Sinclair, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
But don't go reaching for that Chianti yet. Yes, resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes. But "the amounts we gave to our mice would be like  drinking 100 glasses of red wine a day," Sinclair said.
Instead, the goal is to develop synthetic resveratrol compounds that activate SIRT1 and could be taken as medication. "My colleagues are in the middle of developing better molecules that we hope will be medicines that will be used to treat diseases of aging, not to extend lifespan, though that may be a side effect," Sinclair said.
The study is in the May 1 issue of Cell Metabolism.
While previous studies have also suggested that resveratrol may have anti-aging properties, the precise mechanism of resveratrol has been controversial. Several studies, including work with yeast, worms and flies, have found that resveratrol acts on a class of seven genes known as sirtuins and, in human cells, SIRT1 in particular.
But other researchers have argued that resveratrol may work by activating a separate energy pathway called AMPK, which is also related to mitochondrial energy production but does not involve sirtuin genes.
Testing the effect of resveratrol on SIRT1 in mice was difficult, Sinclair said. Mice that have their SIRT1 gene deleted are born with developmental defects and are unsuitable for experiments, he explained.
So Sinclair and two graduate students, Nathan Price and Ana Gomes, worked for years to come up with a method for knocking out SIRT1 in healthy adult mice.
"Our paper found you absolutely require the SIRT1 gene for resveratrol to improve the metabolism of the mice," Sinclair said.
The paper also showed that the AMPK pathway was activated in mice given high doses of resveratrol, yet there was no benefit to mitochondrial function. There was no effect on AMPK in mice given a lower dose of resveratrol.
Sinclair is co-founder and a consultant for Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc., which is developing resveratrol-like molecules for use as treatment for age-related diseases. In 2010, according to news reports, the company, which is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, halted clinical trials of resveratrol, but Sinclair said the company continues to develop improved synthetic molecules.
George Vlasuk, CEO of Sirtris, said the new findings offer the "first definitive evidence" for a direct link between SIRT1 and the metabolic benefits of resveratrol.
"The work by [first author] Price et al. strongly supports the basic rationale being pursued at Sirtris, which focuses on the development of small-molecule compounds that directly activate the enzymatic activity of SIRT1 as a new therapeutic approach to many diseases of aging," Vlasuk wrote in an email to the journal.
Philippe Marambaud, an investigator at the Litwin-Zucker Center for Research in Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in Manhasset, N.Y, said the new research adds to a body of evidence that resveratrol can potentially combat aging by boosting mitochondrial activity.
"In this study, by using an elegant adult-inducible SIRT1 knock-out mouse model, the authors now provide compelling evidence that SIRT1 is required in vivo [in the animal] for the effect of resveratrol on AMPK activation and on mitochondrial function," Marambaud said.
While studies involving animals can be useful, they frequently fail to produce similar results in humans.
"A mouse model is not a human being, especially when you are genetically manipulating this animal model, you want to be very careful," Marambaud said. "This field has been extremely controversial. We should be very careful about claiming the importance of resveratrol for medical purposes. We have to wait and see, but this study is a big step forward."

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